When you establish a relationship with your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, or husband, it’s difficult to sexually shift gears mid-stream. That doesn’t mean it can’t happen. It takes some doing. Most of all, it takes balls, knowing yourself, and communicating what you want with the person you’re with. Even if it means they might not want to go down the same sexual journey. That’s why so many men cheat on their loved ones. It’s not always because they need someone different. They simply need someone who doesn’t know them… someone who won’t judge the kinky, fetish dreams rolling around in their hearts and minds. The dreams that fuel their lust and cause them to seek, not love, but a ground-shaking body and mind fuck. Men like Amir Badri, Jack Prost, Steve Sommers, Marc Giacomo, Sir Jet, Drew Sebastian, and Alex Hawk… these are the men who cheat, who search others down the road to sexual discovery, and help them unlock their deepest, darkest desires.